Saturday, 9 April 2011

Week 1 - (almost) waste-free

Me, Trevor and week one waste!
We celebrated our first week by tallying up our waste.  Blaine from Magazine sent me an email asking if we had managed to go waste-free.  Well, not quite but pretty close, here is a breakdown of our first week's waste stream:

Week-1 garbage (8 oz):
  • dental floss
  • blister packs from medications
  • an empty pen
  • plastic seal from wine bottle
  • mesh bag from 3-pack of garlic
  • plastic packaging from spaghetti 
  • used band-aide
  • plastic film from the window of a spaghetti box
  • plastic film from ground veggie meat
  • tape from a parcel that was delivered (the box was recycled)
  • small pieces of scrap nylon fabric that I used to make bulk bags

Week-1 diversion:
  • 3 totes of recyclable material (newspaper, flyers, plastic containers, cans)
  • 3 ice cream pails of compost

1 comment:

  1. I am so inspired by your story. I live in Cache Creek, currently my husband and I toss about 3 or 4 grocery bags of garbage a week. We do recycle and I have a worm compost bin. I also make my own yogurt, sour cream, baking etc however I know that we can do more and we will starting now...Thank you again for the inspiration!
    Jessie L
